Text in video…resources

February 6, 2012 at 7:32 pm (After Effects, CG, Final Cut Pro, Font, Graphics, Training, TV, typoography)

Whether you are animating credits and titles or displaying static text, fonts, theirs sizes and colors demand a closer look in the video environment. With older digital video formats like DV, the outcome was often less than desirable. The good news is that many HD formats, due to their higher resolution and PAR (pixel aspect ratio) have made life a lot easier. Still, if we are aware of problems in the past, we can actually create better titles in both the former and current environments. Here are some resources to read, think and learn about the topics:

Creating DV titles in Photoshop (with Alpha Channels)
Oldie but goodies: FCP and AE title tips
Finally, here’s a host of great videos on typography itself

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How to use Google Docs….resources

February 6, 2012 at 7:20 pm (1, Font, Google docs)

As mentioned in class, google docs, can be a potent tool for collaboration that is free and available to many. Yes, you should consider privacy and abuse when using google tools, but the rewards tip the balance towards using these tools, at least for me. If you’re unsure, use a new and relatively anonymous account – just let me know what you’re new email is.

Meanwhile, here are some resources to get more comfortable with GD:

Also, check out google’s test resources:
GD for students
GD templates

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